Note: This page is just kept as a historical record, current bylaw history is maintained in gitlab Changes under discussions or proposed for voting are also published as branches there.

The X.Org Foundation has been operating under a set of Provisional By-laws since it's formation. Recently, these By-laws have undergone a thorough review, which has resulted in a major revision that better reflects the organization and how it operates.


The Board of Directors is pleased to present these revised By-laws for voting on by the membership during the 2016 X.Org Board Of Directors election.

  • ProposedBylawsSPI2016.pdf This version was approved in the elections that ended 26th April 2016, with 56 members voting Yes, 4 No, 3 Abstain out of a total of 65 members at the time of voting.


The Board of Directors is pleased to present these revised By-laws for voting on by the membership during the 2015 X.Org Board Of Directors election.


By-Law Review 2006

The Board of Directors is pleased to present these revised By-laws for public comment and discussion. All discussion shall take place on the mailing list, which is open to everyone. Anyone interested in commenting on these By-laws is asked to join the mailing list at

The discussion period for this review shall run through 10 September 2006. The By-laws will be submitted to the members for approval in the upcoming election which will be held later this year.

A couple of very minor editorial and formatting changes have been made. The version that will appear on the ballot is here

Membership Agreement 2006

The Board of Directors is also ready to present a revised Membership Agreement for public review. The discussion period for the Membership Agreement will end 20 October 2006. Discussion shall take place on the bylaws mailing list described above.

  • ProposedMembershipAgreement.pdf Discussion is still ongoing for the Membership Agreement, so a seperate ballot will be opened for it once the discussion and review have concluded.