Low Bandwidth X Extension

1 Introduction

2 Description

2.1 Data Flow

2.2 Tags

2.2.1 Tag Substitution in Requests

2.2.2 Property Tags

2.3 Short-circuiting

2.4 Graphics Re-encoding

2.5 Motion events

2.6 Event Squishing

2.7 Master Client

2.8 Multiplexing of Clients

2.9 Swapping

2.10 Delta cache

2.11 Stream Compression

2.12 Authentication Protocols

3 C Library Interfaces

3.1 Application Library Interfaces

3.1.1 XLbxQueryVersion

3.2 Proxy Library Interfaces

3.2.1 XLbxQueryExtension

3.2.2 XLbxGetEventBase

4 Protocol

4.1 Syntactic Conventions and Common Types

4.2 Errors

4.3 Requests

4.3.1 Requests Initiated by the Proxy or by the Client

4.3.2 Requests Initiated or Substituted by the Proxy

4.3.3 Control Requests Initiated by the Proxy

4.3.4 Substitution Requests

4.4 Events

4.5 Responses

5 Algorithm Naming

6 Encoding

6.1 Errors

6.2 Requests

6.3 Events

6.4 Re-encoding of X Events

6.5 Responses